Spring Cleaning Workshop
As the ground starts to warm up, and the earthworms start to wriggle beneath the soil, we too are feeling the pull to stretch our limbs. We are being coaxed out of our little refuges, and back out into the world. Are you feeling ready?Join me Sunday, March 12 from 12-3 to prepare your body, mind and spirit for the blossoming energy of spring. We will have a short talk about fasting and cleansing, clearing out old energy, and sweeping out the proverbial cobwebs or Winter. How can we best use the energy of the full moon and the Spring equinox to help bring us to a place of clarity and connection?We will mirror the seasonal transition through our Asana practice- moving from the quiet, introverted energy of the Winter to the more expansive, expressive, and detoxifying energy of Spring.
Please pre-register at clients.mindbodyonline.com
Adho Muhka Svanasana (downward facing dog)
Here's a classic pose we all should know and love, Adho Muhka Svanasana, or Downward Facing Dog. This pose is technically an inversion which make it incredibly calming to the nervous system, but also is a strength building pose, especially when held for longer periods of time. Downward Facing Dog is like a homecoming to the seasoned practitioner, promoting a quiet mind and offering the body a chance to recover and rest in between other challenging postures or sequences. For the beginner, it brings us into awareness of our natural strength and ability, as well as shows our bodies how to cultivate more internal support, length and space within the body.Begin by coming onto the hands and knees. Spread the fingers as wide as possible, creating even space between all of the fingers. Take a deep breath in and with an exhale, lift the knees from the floor and reach the pelvis as high as possible. As you press evenly into the hands, feel the arms and the sides of the body lengthen. As you lift higher through the hips, allow the heels to reach toward the floor, elongating the backs of the legs. Do your best not to collapse in the chest or shoulders, and draw slightly in right below the navel. Breathe deeply and evenly for 3 to 5 rounds, with each breath, allowing the mind to soften.
Inversions Workshop
This workshop is designed for the beginning and intermediate practitioner to learn (or review) how to move safely in and out of inverted poses. Focus with be on building the strength and awareness necessary for inversions. Themes will include overcoming fears, restoring balance, and ultimately changing our perspective. Featured poses will be (but not limited to) Shoulderstand, Headstand, Forearm Balance and Handstand.Please join me on Saturday September 28th from 12:30 to 3pm at Earth Yoga, Santa Catalina, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Seated Figure Four
Seated Figure Four or Eka Pada Utkatasana is a wonderful standing balance pose as well as a deep hip opener.Start in Tadasana (mountain pose) and begin to soften both knees. Bring palms to connect at the heart center. Slowly shift your weight into your left leg as you bend even more deeply into the left knee. Draw in at the low belly and lift the right foot a few inches from the floor. Once you have established your balance, bring the right ankle across the left thigh, right above the knee. Allow the right knee to draw back slightly, fusing the ankle to the thigh for more stability. Deepen the bend of the standing leg to the point of healthy resistance in the outer right hip and take a few breaths here. As your body indicates readiness, raise both arms above the head, upper arms right along side the ears. Smile!
Surya Namaskar
A quick little vid filmed at Manhanset Chapel in Shelter Island, NY. Repeat this sun salutation a few times to warm up the body before moving into your standing poses. (Turn your volume down- apologies for the sound quality!)
Love Letters
Dearest Students of In Motion Fitness,I miss you. I miss your presence, your dedication to your practice, your openness. I miss your lovely smiles and glowing energy. I miss at 10:45 and I miss you at noon. I miss you at 8am for meditation and I miss you at 6:45 to get tropical. But I digress. To miss something is to be apart from something and that separateness from you that I sometimes feel is just an illusion. You are all still in my heart now and always. The imprint that you have left on my life continues to amaze me.Here in New York, I am the outsider, the new girl. Eyes full of scrutiny, hearts full of doubt and minds full of discontent fill my classes. It reminds me of the true meaning of the word “Yoga”. Yoga is not just Asana. It is a practice in finding peace. It is a way to confront the discontent in our hearts. It is a way to still the body in order to observe the mind. It is a daily practice- not just on the mat but ALWAYS. Always practice mindfulness, always practice observance, always practice compassion, contentment, loving kindness, patience and awareness.Discontent, restlessness, and judgement reflect in our bodies. It is easy to spot! On the same token, peacefulness, openness and contentment also shine through in our faces and bodies. These things become our Mudra, the physical manifestations of the heart and mind. It is my job to look at not only your bodies, postures and the nuances of alignment, but also to observe the energetic body and how your posture or Mudra reflects either the flowing or blocking of that energy. We literally ARE what we think about! Our thoughts and feelings have the power to heal us or to lead us into disease.Having said this, I want to thank you all from the depths of my heart. Thank you for putting your trust in me. Thank you for your open spirit. Thank you for allowing me to lead you for so many years. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for all of your hard work. Thank you for showing me your patience and compassion when I needed it, for showing your fellow students the same. This is YOGA!Please continue to practice yoga. Not just Asana. And remember to greet all of your teachers with the same receptivity and willingness you showed me, because they just might be the “New Girl”. Besides, malcontent doesn’t look good on anyone. ☺Love,Cheri