March Meditation Mini-Retreat
March 1-10, 20186-7amYoga Center of ChicoThis mini-retreat is designed for all meditators, with or without experience, and is appropriate for anyone wishing to deepen their own meditation practice, learn new techniques or practice with a group. There will be a combination of seated and walking meditation, and study of Buddhist philosophy. This course is modeled after the Vipassana 10-day silent meditation retreat and will give beginners a solid foundation upon which to build a sustainable self-practice.
When you act from intuition, you are acting from a place of clear connection to self. When you are in clear connection to self, you are in absolute connection to the Source. Therefore when you act from intuition, you are fully supported by the Source in your actions. You cannot fail.When you act from the thinking/judging mind, you are more connected to the outcome of your actions. You are worried about what others may say or think. You are relying on external support, that you may or may not receive. You will always be wondering what the outcome would be if you had acted differently.Listen to your intuition. Act accordingly.